Gout Help Gout is a form of arthritis. This is an inflammatory condition characterized by recurring attacks of a red, hot, swollen, and tender joint. These attacks are often sudden. Frequently, the base of the big toe is the target of gout. Gout attacks are caused by high levels of […]
Buzz Off! Natural Solutions for: Bugs and Pests
Bug and Pest Help As the weather gets warmer and sunnier, we naturally gravitate to being outside more. This can bring us into contact with pests like ticks and mosquitoes. These bugs are part of nature and necessary (though I do sometimes question the role of mosquitoes in the great […]
Natural Solutions for: Swimming Pool Chlorine
Swimming Pool Chlorine Help As the weather warms up, kids of all ages are looking for ways to cool down. A popular way to beat the heat is to go for a swim. As a Pisces myself, I love to swim and be in the water. But I know as […]
Natural Solutions for: Psoriasis
Psoriasis Help Inflamed, scaling, dry, itchy skin. Psoriasis can occur anywhere on your body, but some of the most common places include the scalp, lower back, knees, elbows, nails, face, hands, and feet. Whether it is just a small area affected or most of the body, psoriasis indicates a deeper […]
Natural Solutions for: PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Help The name says it all yet can’t express everything this entails. This is stress and depression that occur after a trauma. This trauma is usually something dangerous, shocking, or scary. While it is natural for us to be afraid during and following a traumatic event, […]
Natural Solutions for: Headaches
Headache Help Oh the headache. It makes it almost impossible to think or function when it gets really bad. As with many conditions, headaches have a myriad of causes and are a symptom of a bigger issue. I have empathy for anyone suffering headaches as I spent 7 years (almost […]
Natural Solutions for: Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Help Multiple Sclerosis. This is a daunting diagnosis to get from a physician. The medical community will tell you there is no cure for MS and it will continually progress. The allopathic community focuses on fast symptom management to slow progression. As you know, I believe the […]
Holiday Helpers, Part 2
Now that the holidays are really bearing down upon us, let’s continue our exploration of natural ways to help yourself and those you love through this busy, stressful time of the year. If you haven’t already read November’s article, Holiday Helpers, Part 1, you may want to consider starting there. […]
Natural Solutions for: Insomnia
Insomnia Help There is nothing better than having a satisfyingly busy day and laying down to allow your body to reset and sleep. However, for many of us, sleep proves elusive. In fact, according to Sleep Education, up to 35% of Americans experience symptoms of insomnia. Further, a startling 20% […]
Holiday Helpers, Part 1
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? Not for everyone. Although there is a myth about suicide rates increasing (and this is truly a myth that concerns mental health care professionals because it can lead to someone not seeking help during the holidays), it is true that family […]