Detoxifying by Bathing Remember back to our series on channels of elimination in the body? Well, if you recall, the skin is one of these. The skin is actually our largest organ. We can also absorb nutrients, chemicals, and other things through our skin. Knowing this, it makes sense we […]
Natural Solutions for: Gout
Gout Help Gout is a form of arthritis. This is an inflammatory condition characterized by recurring attacks of a red, hot, swollen, and tender joint. These attacks are often sudden. Frequently, the base of the big toe is the target of gout. Gout attacks are caused by high levels of […]
6 Common Poisons You’re Probably Ingesting Daily
What a world… There are many poisons out there in our world. We live in a world where our water is contaminated both purposefully (fluoride) and accidentally (prescription drugs, various parasites and pathogens, runoff from chemicals, etc). Our food is tampered with by companies playing god and making franken-foods that […]
Buzz Off! Natural Solutions for: Bugs and Pests
Bug and Pest Help As the weather gets warmer and sunnier, we naturally gravitate to being outside more. This can bring us into contact with pests like ticks and mosquitoes. These bugs are part of nature and necessary (though I do sometimes question the role of mosquitoes in the great […]
How to make the most of Health Harmonized’s services
What does Health Harmonized do? Ever wondered when to contact Health Harmonized over when to visit your medical doctor (if you have one) or head to urgent care? This article is for you! Naturopaths follow Hippocratic principles. In 1947, Naturopaths met at the Golden Jubilee to draw up standards for […]
Natural Solutions for: Swimming Pool Chlorine
Swimming Pool Chlorine Help As the weather warms up, kids of all ages are looking for ways to cool down. A popular way to beat the heat is to go for a swim. As a Pisces myself, I love to swim and be in the water. But I know as […]
Must-Have Books
Looking to build your natural health reference library? You’ve come to the right place! I am going to share some of my favorite books on natural health. These are listed in no particular order. Homeopathy Homeopathic Medicine at Home by Maesimund B. Panos MD This is an easy read […]
Natural Solutions for: Psoriasis
Psoriasis Help Inflamed, scaling, dry, itchy skin. Psoriasis can occur anywhere on your body, but some of the most common places include the scalp, lower back, knees, elbows, nails, face, hands, and feet. Whether it is just a small area affected or most of the body, psoriasis indicates a deeper […]
Colored Light Therapy
If you’ve read any of our Natural Solutions for series of articles, you’ve probably seen Color Therapy (also known as Colored Light Therapy) listed under Natural Therapies. It is a frequent suggestion given by me. Why? Simply put: it is simple to use and is effective. How is this so? […]
Natural Solutions for: PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Help The name says it all yet can’t express everything this entails. This is stress and depression that occur after a trauma. This trauma is usually something dangerous, shocking, or scary. While it is natural for us to be afraid during and following a traumatic event, […]