What is pH? It is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration; a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. You can remember this by knowing the p stands for potential or presence of and the H is the chemical symbol for hydrogen.
With a sample of the first urine and saliva (before eating, drinking, or brushing teeth), we can get an idea of how your body is working right now.
The ideal pH we are looking for in both urine and saliva is 6.4. This means it is just slightly acidic (remember, pure water is a 7). So what does it mean when the numbers are off? Keep in mind, each number is 10x away from the previous. This is because pH is a logarithmic scale. This means 6 to 7 is 10 times different and 5 to 7 is 100 times while 4 to 7 is 1000 times different. So if your saliva pH is 5.5, it is 10 times lower than it should be.
What do these represent? Urine represents filtered blood. If urine has debris, so does the blood. Clarity of fluid should be greater than 75%. Saliva represents digestion, lubrication, hydration, interstitial fluid (lymphatic fluid), and pancreas function.
Urine and Saliva pH Levels
Lower than 5.4 | 5-5 to 6.2 | 6.4 | 6.6 to 7.1 | Higher than 7.2 |
Fast digestion & lack of heat energy | Heading toward
← |
Perfect! | Heading toward
Slow digestion and excess of heat energy |
Our urine and saliva be slightly acidic; however, how do we balance without going too acidic? Our blood is always between 7.35 and 7.45 or we die. So that is slightly alkaline. In fact, our bodies function best when slightly alkaline. Remember, the urine and saliva are waste products (especially urine). The chemical reactions occurring in the body should make these slightly acidic which indicates the body is functioning correctly.
So what creates acid and alkalinity in the body?
Skew towards more alkaline for best health. If you have more concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us.